Currently closed for orders but we'll be back again soon!
January 2021 was our last month of bagels until further notice. As many of you know, we recently welcomed our very own baby Boychik to the world 👶 in addition to continuing to pursue other professional opportunities that have come our way.Boychik bagels started as a side hustle and turned into something so much bigger and more meaningful than we ever dreamed it would be. We can’t thank our friends, customers and customers turned friends enough for all the support and love you’ve shown us since we started, you know who you are! This is not goodbye, but see you later.

Hand-rolled bagels. Baked in XXX.
We are currently on hiatus since as we recently welcomed our very own little Boychik to the world! Stay tuned for what's next from Boychik Bagels!
What we’re all about
Bagels are the best carb ever invented. It's a fact. At Boychik Bagels, we take that to heart and give bagels the respect they deserve and give you the bagels you deserve. New York and Montreal bagels are known as the gold standards (depending on who you ask). We’ve taken our favorite elements of each style to create our own unique Boychik Bagels.
a Yiddish term of endearment for a boy.
This is how we do it.
Our bagels are a 2-day process. On Friday we mix our dough, roll those puppies up and stick em in the fridge for a long, cool overnight stay at Hotel Fermentation. Early Saturday morning (like, disgustingly early) we boil and bake our bagels to golden perfection then get them into your hands and on to your plates. Sound cool? See for yourself 👇👀👇